Let me begin by telling you (not that anyone is reading this) a bit about myself. My name is Melissa. I'm a wife to a wonderful man - Ruston Blake. He is the head baseball coach at Jenks High School. He is hilariously funny, tremendously talented, and an incredible father. I am thankful every day to be married to him!
I am also privileged to say that I am the mother of TWO precious girls! Karson Elaine is 4 1/2, and Marion Campbell is 3 1/2 months. Besides becoming a Christian and marrying Rus, the days they were born...well...oh my goodness, I just can't put words to the joy they brought!
Karson just finished her last year of preschool yesterday. Is it strange that I'm sad? Next year she will go to the Pre-K program every day (more than likely all day - we're still deciding on that). How has my baby girl gotten so big? Allow me to be her mother for a moment :)...She is brilliant! She is beautiful! She is hilarious! She is painfully shy! She is kind-hearted! She is MINE! What an incredible blessing it is to be her mommy. I truly don't know what I will do without her home all day with me next year. I know God has BIG plans for this little girl. I can't wait to see what the future holds for her.
Campbell is the happiest baby ever! Although she's only been here 3 1/2 months, I've already forgotten what life was like without her. She brings smiles to all who see her and tremendous joy to our house! She was born 3 weeks early and seemed so tiny when we brought her home. Well...she's made up for it! She has the sweetest chubby cheeks, and the most squeezable rolls on her legs. It cracks me up to hear people say, "Wow, she's filled out!" I just reply, "You can say it, she's chubby! We like it that way." She is daily doing new things and discovering this world around her. I'm reminded again, as I was with Karson, that life is such a miracle. I cannot understand how anyone who has been around children couldn't know that there is an AWESOME GOD who created them!
Tonight, Rus had to be at the field until late, so the girls and I were here alone (this is our usual status during the Spring and Summer). I had gotten the girls fed, bathed, and snuggled on my bed to watch "Snow White" while I took a shower. When I got out, I came to check on them. What I found was simply precious. There they were, both sound asleep...holding hands.
Lord, I give you the praise for blessing me with these 2 lives. I praise you even more that in a way that could only be Yours, that they have already, at ages 4 and 3 months, become friends.

YEA for BLOGS! That sweet picture made me cry. I think I need to have a 3rd baby...so Mia can have a sister. OK - maybe not right now... :)
Oh I love that picture! PRECIOUS!
Oh my goodness, just look at my two, precious princesses!!
Could I love them any more?
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